Let's pray especially for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
‘I am sending upon you what my Father promised; so stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.’ (Luke 24:49)
Jesus promises the Holy Spirit, sent by the Father, as an advocate, as the spirit of truth, as power, so that the Church can proclaim the Good News to the whole world. Over eight days let's seek and prepare for this great gift by sharing in our Novena – literally, a form of prayer spread over eight days.
Jesus promises the Holy Spirit, sent by the Father, as an advocate, as the spirit of truth, as power, so that the Church can proclaim the Good News to the whole world. Over eight days let's seek and prepare for this great gift by sharing in our Novena – literally, a form of prayer spread over eight days.
Day 8: Relationship with God
Today's scripture – Romans 8:26
"Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words". Prayer can sometimes be a struggle, we do not always have the words to put to what we want to say. We can be overcome with emotion, or simply struggle to express something that seems bigger than ourselves. In these moments, the Spirit gives us the tears, the laughter, the groans, and the tongues to pray. ● Do you have experience of praying like this? ● When has the Spirit helped you in your weakness? ● Pray for the gift of tongues or pray in tongues today as a way to bless the Lord and to pray for an end to the pandemic. Today's prayer intention Take some time whilst on your daily walk or just sitting in your favourite armchair and have an honest conversation with Jesus. Imagine He is walking beside you or sitting in the chair opposite you and tell Him how you are feeling or what is on your mind at that time. Have a conversation with Jesus… |
Testimony: Miren O’Brien
Each day someone will share their faith story, their journey with Jesus so far. Here Margaret Fraher talks to Miren O’Brien on where her faith has led her. Today's music: Reckless Love by Cory Asbury As you listen to this recording by Theresa McNamara who worships in OLOS, meditate on the parts of the Novena you have prayed today. |
Day 7: Proclamation
Today's scripture – Acts 4:31
"And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness". The events of Pentecost changed the life of so many people and continue to do so. We pray in faith to be shaken again by the Holy Spirit and filled with boldness to speak the word of God. ● How do you imagine the events of Pentecost? ● Can you remember any encounters with God that have left you shaken or feeling bold? ● Take some time today to pray the Scriptures out loud and proclaim with boldness! |
Testimony: Bern Phillips
Each day someone will share their faith story, their journey with Jesus so far. Here Margaret Fraher talks to Bern Phillips on where his faith has led him.
Today's music: Holy Spirit by Anne Ward As you listen to this recording by Anne Ward who worships in St Richard's church - Slindon, meditate on the parts of the Novena you have prayed today. |
Day 6: Witness
Today's scripture – Acts 1:8
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” The strength to witness to our faith comes from the Holy Spirit. We have all we need already to witness to the whole world. ● What is the easiest way for you to witness? ● Who were/are the people in your life who have witnessed the faith to you? ● How can we witness whilst in lockdown? Today's prayer intention St Augustine of Canterbury's prayer to the Holy Spirit. Breathe in me O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy. Act in me O Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy. Draw my heart O Holy Spirit, that I love but what is holy. Strengthen me O Holy Spirit, to defend all that is holy. Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy. Amen. |
Testimony: Sr Ruth Campbell OSM
Each day someone will share their faith story, their journey with Jesus so far. Here Margaret Fraher talks to Sr Ruth on is her relationship with God.
Today's music: Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God by Keith and Kristyn Getty. As you listen to this recording meditate on the parts of the Novena you have prayed today. |
Day 5: Healing
Today's scripture – 2 Corinthians 1:3
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort”. True healing comes from the Lord, healing of body, mind and soul. The Holy Spirit is the source of life and of all comfort. ● How do we make sense of sickness, sin and death? ● What comfort does your faith bring you? ● Take some time to pray for your own healing and for the healing of all those in need. Today's prayer intention Mini Lectio, Read 2 Corinthians 1:3 Spend a few moments reflecting and pondering on what the scripture says. Read it once again. What word speaks to you? Spend a few moments praying with that word. End by praying the Glory Be… |
Testimony: Lawrence Owers
Each day someone will share their faith story, their journey with Jesus so far. Here Margaret Fraher talks to Lawrence Owers on where his faith has led him. Today's music: Through and Through by Will Regan. As you listen to this recording by Martha Myers who worships in OLOS, meditate on the parts of the Novena you have prayed today. |
Day 4: Joy
Today's scripture – Psalm 16:11
"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore". When we dedicate ourselves to discerning God’s will in our lives and steadfastly walking that path, one of the many rewards is a joy-filled life. The Holy Spirit enables this discernment. ● Which path is God asking you to walk right now? ● What brings you joy in your life? ● Find time today to do something you love. Today's prayer intention J – Joy – Holy Spirit, fill me with the fullness of joy; the joy of the Gospel. O – Openness – Holy Spirit, open my heart and my mind to see the path of life that you make known to me. Y – Yes – Holy Spirit, help me to say ‘yes’ to welcoming you into my life. |
Testimony: Melissa Rosa
Each day someone will share their faith story, their journey with Jesus so far. Here Margaret Fraher talks to Melissa Rosa on how her relationship with God.
Today's music: Day by Day from Godspell. As you listen to this recording the musical Godspell meditate on the parts of the Novena you have prayed today. |
Day 3: Hope
Today's scripture – Romans 15:13
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope". This verse reminds us that when we turn to God if faith one of the many gifts of the Holy Spirit is the gift of hope. ● What are you hopeful about? ● What sometimes robs you of your hope? ● Take some time to pray for the gift of hope from the Holy Spirit. Today's prayer intention How can you be filled with joy and peace that the Lord offers in the scripture? What is it that you hope for? Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with hope. |
Testimony: Peter Reavey
Each day someone will share their faith story, their journey with Jesus so far. Here Margaret Fraher talks to Peter Reavey on how his relationship with Jesus has affected him. Today's music: Fill into us your Holy Spirit by Nicola Morreale As you listen to this recording by Nicola meditate on the parts of the Novena you have prayed today. |
Day 2: Repentance
Today's scripture – Acts 2:38
And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Peter tells his listeners that choosing Christ calls us to change our lives, repent of all we do wrong and to receive the promise of forgiveness and the enormous gift of the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. ● What do you need to repent of? ● What penance would you give yourself? ● Take time to thank God for his forgiveness. Today's prayer intention Sorry, thank you, please. A simple way to pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart and mind to help you to pray. Begin by thinking of what you would like to say sorry to God for. Say to God in your own words, sorry. Next, think about something you are grateful for. Again, use your own words to say thank you to God. Finally, is there something you would like to ask God for? Take a moment to ask Him. |
Testimony: Gabrielle Thorpe
Each day someone will share their faith story, their journey with Jesus so far. Here Margaret Fraher talks to Gabrielle Thorpe on where her faith has led her.
Today's music: Veni Sancte Spiritus (Taize) As you listen to this recording by the Taize community in Saône-et-Loire, Burgundy, meditate on the parts of the Novena you have prayed today. |
Day 1: Expectancy
Today's scripture – Hebrews 4:16
"Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need". This verse reminds us that Jesus understands who we are as humans and desires for us to be close to him. His promise is mercy and grace and help. The Holy Spirit enables this closeness. ● Do we come to the Lord in prayer expecting to receive anything? ● What robs you of your confidence in approaching God in prayer? ● Take some quiet time to meditate and listen to the Lord Today's prayer intention Pray a decade of the rosary remembering Mary’s expectancy as spouse of the Holy Spirit. Asking the prayers of Mary is a great way to pray, especially during this month of May. |
Testimony: Fr Chris Bergin
Each day someone will share their faith story, their journey with Jesus so far. Here Margaret Fraher talks to Chris Bergin on his relationship with God. Today's music: All who are thirsty by Glenn Robertson As you listen to this recording by Bethan and Rosie Townsend who worship in OLOS, meditate on the parts of the Novena you have prayed today. |